Why am I Flower Mommy?

I can tell you, I have NO green thumb. As a matter of fact, I have the complete opposite. I just have to look at a plant and it keels over. Our landscaping is horrible...gardening is torture. So, why am I know as  Flower Mommy?

Several years ago, when S was in his potty mouth stage...literally everything was described as poopy.

"School is poopy"
"This toy is poopy"
"It's a poopy movie"
"Daddy's a poopy daddy"
"R is a poopy brother" 
Hold up there kiddo, "What am I? " I asked him.
After a pause...
"You are a flower Mommy"
Good Boy

And from that day on, I have been Flower Mommy <3

1 comment:

Lori said...

That is just hilarious. :)