Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.  Lent is the liturgical season (40 days) when we prepare for Easter. Christians prepare by fasting, practicing spiritual discipline and reflecting on their relationship with God. Basically, Lent is a time for "spring cleaning" our lives, giving thanks for our blessings and deepening our relationship with Jesus.

The joke among my friends is that I am Catholic enough for all of them. Proof above, I am the living Wikipedia  for Catholicism. I guess 12 years of Catholic school will do that to you.  I attend mass regularly, pray daily (not including my Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph plea when I am wits end with something), and I make sure my kids are being brought up the same way. I also have enough Catholic guilt to keep me honest.

My fellow Catholics, when you think of Lent, the first thing that comes to mind is "What are you giving up?", right?  When I was younger, it was ALWAYS candy/dessert. It just made that big basket of candy on Easter morning that much sweeter. As I got older, I still give up something, but I try to focus on DOING something as well.  This year, I am giving up soda. I know it it bad for me anyway, but some days, I just need that Diet Mt. Dew to get through the afternoon, know what I mean?

This year, I want my spiritual cleaning to be a little deeper. A friend on Facebook posted this and it just struck my heart. This is what I should be doing all year, not just during Lent.

Fast from judging others; feast on Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from emphasis on differences; feast on the unity of all life.
Fast from apparent darkness; feast on the reality of all light.
Fast from thoughts of illness; feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute; feast on phrases that purify.
Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger; feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism.

Fast from worry; feast on God's providence.
Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation.
Fast from negatives; feast on affirmatives.
Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayer.
Fast from hostility; feast on non-resistance.
Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others.
Fast from personal anxiety; feast on eternal truth.

Fast from discouragement; feast on hope.
Fast from facts that depress; feast on verities that uplift.
Fast from lethargy; feast on enthusiasm.
Fast from suspicion; feast on truth.
Fast from thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire.
Fast from shadows of sorrow; feast on the sunlight of serenity.
Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence.
Fast from problems that overwhelm; feast on prayer that sustains

Shared from the very wise, Father Jerry Riney

My goal is to read these every morning and night and to follow them as best I can during the hours in between.

Now, I just have to remember to not eat meat today and  the next 7 Friday's...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm Just Saying...

This is S's favorite line. He is full of spirit and has a tendency to get emphatic? belligerent? when he disagrees with me. He also thinks that by following up with "I'm just saying", after whatever he says makes it ok.  Like he is just giving his opinion ...

We are working on breaking that habit without breaking his spirit.

But, stop and think if it was socially acceptable to say whatever you long as it was followed up by...I'm Just Saying.

**40? I though you were much older...I'm just saying...

** If you made those same mistakes before, what makes this time any different? Didn't you learn anything?...I'm just saying...

** Is that what you're wearing? You remind me of a sausage coming out of it's casings...I'm just saying...

** You're Instagram profile is really boring...I'm just saying... (This is an exact quote from S this morning to me!!!)

I could go on and on and you could easily fill in your own scenarios. As funny as it sounds, it really does soften the blow...a little. But, I can't let my monkey know that. That boy with the biggest smile, wittiest sense of humor, street smart intelligence, explosive personality needs to be set on the path of the straight and narrow...I'm just saying!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Motivation

I have a super busy week and a to do list that seems to go on for miles. Although it is filled with fun stuff too, it still feels overwhelming. My strategy to IMPROVE the situation ...just focus on one day at a time and one task at a time until I make it through.

Whatever you have on your plate this week...don't stress and remember... it always seems impossible until it is done. Have a wonderful week, my friends!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fashion Friday

Good Eats: Frozen Meatballs and Sour Cream Sauce

I have a really easy, fast, kid friendly dinner. I found it years ago on Baby Center and it is a family favorite. AND, if you happen to try it, leave a comment and let me know how it goes over in your house.

Frozen Meatballs and Sour Cream Sauce

Frozen Meatballs and Sour Cream Sauce

1 Tbsp Olive Oil
6-8 frozen meatballs per person
pasta of your choice

Sour Cream Sauce
2 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. flour
1c. beef broth
1/2 tsp. salt dash of cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
8oz dairy sour cream, room temp.

Heat Dutch oven or large skillet to medium heat and add 1 Tbsp olive oil. When the pan is hot, add a Tbsp of water and frozen meatballs to the Dutch oven and put a lid on to steam the meatballs. Once they are heated through, remove the meatballs and add butter to the brownings in the pan. Stir in the flour and cook until bubbly. Add broth, salt, cayenne pepper and Worcestershire sauce; cook, stirring until thickened and bubbly. Gradually add sour cream, one heaping spoonful at a time to the sauce, stirring constantly. add meatballs and let simmer.

Serve over noodles/pasta

****My Variation****
I skipped the browning of the meatballs and just warmed them in the microwave. Both ways taste good but I just did the SUPER easy version!

Also, I OBVIOUSLY double the recipe. I've got three growing boys :)

OK, I did take step by step pictures while I was cooking. LOL!  Hats off  to the foodie bloggers who do this all the time. It was much harder than I thought it would be. Since, I put the effort in, I'll share, but I can pretty much guarantee  that I will only be sharing final products from now on:)

The cast of characters...of course, I forgot the sour cream in the first picture...DUH, meatballs and SOUR CREAM sauce...yeah, well....
Melt the butter...

add the flour...
mix together...

 add the beef broth...

add Worcestershire sauce...
 add sour cream...

mix well...look at the pretty swirls...

add meatballs and simmer!

So, I didn't take pictures of the salt or cayenne pepper. See, I told you it was difficult...and at least I remembered to add the sour cream :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Where Am I? I need a GPS for Life

I am going to be 40 this year.
I never really cared about the number until New Years 2013 when the realization hit me...I'm going to be 40 this year. Oh CRAP! I know it's just a number, but something about that number makes me think, what have I done with my life and where am I going in the next 40 years?

For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be a teacher and a mom. In my School Days  record book, from Kindergarten on, every year...teacher/mom, teacher/mom, teacher/ get the point.  Well, I did become a teacher and I did become a mom. I had a wonderful 11 years teaching  in various day cares/preschool settings. I also had two amazing little boys and had the blessing to take them to work with me while I was teaching. It was perfect...the best of both worlds! It was tough being a working mom, but then my toughest job came when I stopped teaching to a stay at home with the kids...and  became mom to another amazing little boy. It was an adjustment to being home and having a newborn again, but eventually, we fell into the groove of life.

I think life has been in autopilot for awhile now.

L is starting full day Kindergarten next year which means I have the whole day BY MYSELF!!! Now what do I do? Go back to teaching? I feel like I've lost my mojo. I was a really good teacher and I loved my job. I just don't know if I really want to back to it. That makes me sad.  All I wanted was to be a teacher and a mom. How could I do anything different? How can I BE anything different?

Now, I am at the crossroads. Blogging, crafting, being creative is what makes me happy now. If I could just make some money at it, I'd be golden. I know it is possible and I am willing to put the work in to make it a reality, but part of me is still scared. What if this isn't the person I am supposed to be?

I'm going to use this blog as a platform to expand some ideas and  explore new opportunities.  Time to open up and put it all out there (which is what inspired me to blog in the first place!)  I'm ready to find a new groove with if you're reading, hang on and enjoy the ride with me!

******JUST A DISCLAIMER********
This pseudo midlife crisis will not result in a new 20 something boy toy...a fast, expensive sports car...or plastic surgery with new bodyparts :)