******The craziest thing happened. I pinned an outfit lat night that resulted in almost 2000 repins and my followers are up to 268. It spread like wildfire...and the whole time I was in my yoga pants ;) Weird.
I have to get it out in the open. I am a fraud. A fashion fraud.
I am a stay at home and I don't always put a ton of effort into my outfits each day. I've never resorted to PJ's in carpool, but I have been know to rock the sweats...over and over and over...
I am also a Pinterest addict. I have a Dressing Up board that has some awesome outfits created from, Polyvore which is basically a virtual closet. I love Polyvore, but when I sit there and try to put together an outfit, I find myself struggling. It's HARD!!!! It does not come natural to me...at all.
This is where the fraudulence comes in. I have over 200 followers. WHAT? I feel like if people are choosing to see what I am pinning , I should at least practice what I preach. Of course,having unlimited access to any kind of clothing or accessory I want, would make dressing a snap. There would be no standing in front of my closet ...staring...thinking something new will magically appear...and look good (on me).
I also love WIWW (What I Wear Wednesday) over at the Pleated Poppy. The concept is brilliant...make a conscious decision to look put together. Take a picture of your outfits over the course of a week and post them on Wednesday so others can be inspired. Each week I pour over pictures of fabulous ladies and think, "Ok, I can do this." And then I don't . What am I so scared of? I guess I should start with basics and invest in a full length mirror. That would help.
Well, until I get the guts up to participate, I will keep happily pinning and pining over fabulous fashions. Fingers crossed you'll see me soon in a too cute for words outfit....that doesn't involve sweatpants;)
1 day ago