I guess one of the reasons I wanted to start blogging was to keep track of some of the funny things my kiddos do and say. One of those things happened last week. Well, it originally happened over Christmas break, but we had a repeat performance...and it was just as funny.
L has a speech delay. He has been in therapy since he was two and has made wonderful progress, but there are still times when even I have trouble understanding him. Anyway, L was playing his brothers' skate boarding game on xbox. I was sitting on the couch watching him...
L (this is what I heard) What the hell?
ME (shocked) L, what did you just say?
L (this is what I heard) What the hell? Mom, what the hell?
Me (still shocked) L, that's not nice to say
L But, Mom, where is it? (his guy is frantically running around on screen)
Me (using super mom deducing powers, and remembering something the boys showed me earlier) L, do you mean the hill????
L (this is what I heard) Yes, Mom, what the hell?
me L, do you mean WHERE'S THE HILL????
L (totally annoyed with me now) YES...as his guy is still running around... oh, there it is:)
At that point, I was pretty much hysterically laughing. I still giggle when I think about it.
Now, where in the world would he have even learned to say something like that (if that was what he really said?)..... hmmmmm, probably from Daddy. That's my story and I'm sticking with it ;)
1 day ago