Thursday, August 23, 2012

Baseball Mom

I am a baseball mom and proud of it. I grew up watching baseball (Go Phillies!) and actually enjoy the leisurly pace of  the game. I can watch football, basketball, hockey,but get exhausted trying to keep up with the pace of the game. Plus, I don't know half the terms, so it's like listening to the plays in a foreign language.

R and S played soccer when they were younger, but they never really caught the soccer bug. But then they discovered baseball. L has grown up watching his older brothers play and  he was soooo excited to play this year too.

I could  bore you with the hundreds (literally)  of pictures I have of this baseball season, but here are just a few. I love how the "ready position" and the expressions "at bat" change as they get older and move up in the league.

They all played well this year, but the highlight is R, who made the AAA All Star team and hit an in the park, grand slam home run...that i will save for another blog post :)

Opening Day 2012

"Ready position"

"At Bat" 

We also have a pitcher and a catcher in the family
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Really??? I SUCK at blogging.

See, it's almost that most wonderful time of the year...back to school and I feel compelled to make some resolutions. I talked about it back here, and I still feel the same way, except maybe this time, I will actually follow through.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I guess one of the reasons I wanted to start blogging was to keep track of some of the funny things my kiddos do and say. One of those things happened last week. Well, it originally happened over Christmas break, but we had  a repeat performance...and it was just as funny.

L has a speech delay.  He has been in therapy since he was two and has made wonderful progress, but there are still times when even I have trouble understanding him. Anyway, L was playing  his brothers' skate boarding game on xbox. I was sitting on the couch watching him...

L   (this is what I heard)  What the hell?
ME  (shocked) L, what did you just say?
L (this is what I heard) What the hell? Mom, what the hell?
Me  (still shocked)  L, that's not nice to say
L    But, Mom, where is it? (his guy is frantically running around on screen)
Me   (using super mom deducing powers, and remembering something the boys showed me earlier)  L, do you mean the hill????
L   (this is what I heard)  Yes, Mom, what the hell?
me   L,  do you mean WHERE'S THE HILL????
L (totally annoyed with me now) his guy is still running around... oh, there it is:)

At that point, I was pretty much hysterically laughing. I still giggle when I think about it.

Now, where in the world would he have even learned to say something like that (if that was what he really said?)..... hmmmmm,  probably from Daddy.  That's my story and I'm sticking with it ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Technical Difficulties

So, it's been brought to my attention that I have no way to leave comments. OBVIOUSLY, I'd love to hear from anyone who reads my little piece of the world wide web.

This is a see if the comment section is working...

Comments Test- Take 1 ...

In Case You Need a Good Cry ...Or Some Inspiration

I saw this video for the first time last year. To be honest, I can only handle it once a year. Or when I desperately need a really ugly, runny nose, snorting noises, good cry. Get the tissues and enjoy!!!!

Have a Wonderful Ordinary Day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Putting It Out There

So I told you I was a Fashion Fraud. Have I mentioned that I am a pseudo slob too?  I  mean, I'm not quite at Hoarders level, but, yeah, things do get out of hand.  I'm just putting it all out there.  What's the point of blogging if you can't be honest, right?

 I have another great Pinterest board for Organization.  LOVE the ideas. LOVE the pretty pictures of things lined up in perfect rows.  LOVE that I was inspired to do something to straighten up my mess.  

                                                TA DA!!!
I want to get some pretty baskets and make some cute tags to go along with them. It's not quiet up to Pinterest standards, but it's getting there. I'll keep you posted.    

Monday, February 6, 2012

My Sloppy Little Secret

******The craziest thing happened. I pinned an outfit lat night that resulted in almost 2000 repins and my followers are  up to 268. It spread like wildfire...and the whole time I was in my yoga pants ;)  Weird.

I have to get it out in the open.   I am a fraud.    A fashion fraud.
 I am a stay at home and I don't always put a ton of effort into my outfits each day.  I've never resorted to PJ's in carpool, but I have been know to rock the sweats...over and over and over...

I am also a Pinterest addict. I have a Dressing Up board that has some awesome outfits created  from, Polyvore which is basically a virtual closet. I love Polyvore, but when I sit there and try to put together an outfit, I find myself struggling. It's HARD!!!! It does not come natural to all.

This is where the fraudulence comes in. I have over 200 followers. WHAT? I feel like if people are choosing to see what I am pinning , I should at least practice what I preach. Of course,having unlimited access to any kind of clothing or accessory I want, would make dressing a snap. There would be no standing in front of my closet ...staring...thinking something new will magically appear...and look good (on me).

I also love WIWW (What I Wear Wednesday) over at the Pleated Poppy.  The concept is brilliant...make a conscious decision to look put together. Take a  picture of your outfits over the course of a week and post  them on Wednesday  so others can be inspired.  Each week I pour over pictures of  fabulous ladies and think, "Ok, I can do this."  And then I don't . What am I so scared of?   I guess I should start with basics and invest in a full length mirror. That would help.

Well, until I get the guts up to participate, I will keep happily pinning and pining over fabulous fashions. Fingers crossed you'll see me soon in a too cute for words outfit....that doesn't involve sweatpants;)