Thursday, August 23, 2012

Baseball Mom

I am a baseball mom and proud of it. I grew up watching baseball (Go Phillies!) and actually enjoy the leisurly pace of  the game. I can watch football, basketball, hockey,but get exhausted trying to keep up with the pace of the game. Plus, I don't know half the terms, so it's like listening to the plays in a foreign language.

R and S played soccer when they were younger, but they never really caught the soccer bug. But then they discovered baseball. L has grown up watching his older brothers play and  he was soooo excited to play this year too.

I could  bore you with the hundreds (literally)  of pictures I have of this baseball season, but here are just a few. I love how the "ready position" and the expressions "at bat" change as they get older and move up in the league.

They all played well this year, but the highlight is R, who made the AAA All Star team and hit an in the park, grand slam home run...that i will save for another blog post :)

Opening Day 2012

"Ready position"

"At Bat" 

We also have a pitcher and a catcher in the family
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Really??? I SUCK at blogging.

See, it's almost that most wonderful time of the year...back to school and I feel compelled to make some resolutions. I talked about it back here, and I still feel the same way, except maybe this time, I will actually follow through.